Owning your house is traditionally a huge event in the life of most of us in India.
Now, home is essentially and foremost just that – A Home! This is where we live, we organize our lives, spend moments with friends and family and sometimes alone in peace and quiet contemplation…..It is the centre of our universe and our well- being. It is also an integral part of our public image in the society. A custom designed house provides a perfect opportunity to a family to indulge themselves, express their unique identity and to achieve a home best suited to their lifestyle.
A successful partnership between an Architect and the prospective home Owner is the basis, of the success, of each such endeavour. We at EvolveArchitecture, are always willing to go out of the way to establish and nourish this special bond.
A Group Housing is essentially high density living. Whereas the INDOOR SPACE is limited, use and maintenance of OUTDOOR SPACE is shared. In the design of any Housing, the final user's perspective is of prime importance which needs to be balanced at the same time, with financial viability for the Builder and Promoter.
In the design of INDOOR SPACE, Individual Units have to be designed for maximum functional efficiency and minimum maintenance, without compromising on the need for privacy and personal space. Adequate light and ventilation and expansive balconies are a must for each housing unit.
In the design of OUTDOOR SPACE, it is important to keep the circulation, parking, services and maintenance infrastructure, separate from the landscaped green areas. Also, there is a need to incorporate and clearly define the relaxation and activity areas for different age groups, while maintaining an uninterrupted flow of space, to ensure a healthy, happy and peaceful environment.
As the name suggests, a Public Building is one that is accessible to General Public. Public Buildings would include Government, Institutional, Educational, Commercial as well as Hospital Buildings.
Catering to a varied user profile, each kind of Public Building is a unique design challenge that comes with an added social responsibility. Volumetric relationships, harmonious spatial sequences, transition from public buildings to open spaces, streetscape and the services infrastructure must together invest a townscape with an exclusive imageability. The challenge is to use various engineering services rationally combined with Architecture's basic elements of Space, Structure and Form, so that the performance of human functions and the operation of mechanical utilities become efficient, pleasant and fulfilling.
Architecture uses the philosophic wholesomeness of Humanities, the logical rationalism of Science, the passionate imagination of Art and the inexhaustible resources of Technology.
Designing an interior is to envision a space in its entirety. To think about all the limitless possibilities and creative solutions and come up with the one in complete harmony with the usage and users and giving that little extra” The interior spaces are truly the life-force of any building, they must be designed (and not decorated) as detailed artistic articulation of the basic architectural concept with deep insight and sensitivity to fulfill the fundamental functional and aesthetic needs that are efficient and pleasant to live and work in.Evolve Architecture undertakes Interior Design Projects in Hospitality (Hotels and Resorts), Malls & Shopping Arcades, Corporate (Banks and Office Interiors) and Residential Interiors. We specialize in custom designed furniture, lighting accessories, plantscaping and graphics.