Adley group of companies, sector: 5 Panchkula
The client wanted a signature space for interior of their head office in the heart of the city. The challenge was to achieve a contemporary and plush outlook in an extremely tight timeline. The result was a striking space where all the elements of design harmonized to give a serene, understated, at the same time opulent look. Staff areas were separately demarcated for maximum functionality and efficiency.
Thapsons, sector: 17 Chandigarh.
Mr. Anil Thaparwas a demanding client from the word go. Having single handedly built a successful men’s brand in customized tailoring, he sure knew what he was talking about!
We created a theme around European classical style of architecture to play on the aspirations of his clientele. While his requirement to maximize the storage was non-negotiable, we managed to create a luxurious central zone, much to the delight of the proud owner and his customers
Bar a’ Chicha, sector: 11 Panchkula
In Bar a’chicha, Mr. DrapanWalia who ran a base kitchen for other organizations for past 20 years, found realization to his long standing dream. The place offers a mix of indoor and outdoor sitting area aesthetically put together around the theme of Arabian nights. The focal points and the scintillating ambience are the highlights of the place, besides of course fusion music and exotic food!